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Medical Coding & Best Practices Guide – Podiatry (/the-revenue-cycIe- blog/medical-coding-best-practices- guide-podiatry)

Thought Leadership (/the-revenue-cycle-bl0g/categ0ry/Thought+Leadership), C0ding Best Practices (/the-revenue-cycle-bI0g/categ0ry/Coding+Best+Practices) Podiatry is a medical specialty that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, injuries, and defects of the human f00t. P0diatric medicine involves the diagnosis, medical and surgical treatment of disorders of the foot, ankle, and lower extremity. This specialty also includes medical, surgical, mechanical, and physical […]

    American HealthCare Billing Services ,LLC is a full-service podiatry-exclusive billing company. Founded in 2003, our firm has billed for more than 60 podiatrists in 22 states. Our expert team works with podiatrists nationwide to decrease stress of the billing and, more important, to increase cash flow. Our team collectively has more than four decades of experience in the field of podiatry,


    6604 Elvedon Drive, Suite 100, Dallas, TX 75248


    (972) 380-8028

