recent survey indicated that over 35% of the profession plans to file an EMR Hardship exception.
Failure to successfully attest to 2015 Meaningful Use of an electronic health record carries with it a penalty of a 3% reduction of your Medicare Part B Fee Schedule in 2017. If you did not meet all the requirements for 2015, there may be a way for you to avoid the 3% penalty in 2017. The Patient Access and Medicare Protection Act will allow those who did not have enough time to meet the meaningful use requirements for 2015 (based on the late timing of the announcement of the final rule) the opportunity to avoid the 2017 penalty. The deadline for eligible professionals to apply for this exemption is March 15, 2016.
The application to apply for a hardship exception from a 2017 payment adjustment based on the late announcement of the 2015 Meaningful Use criteria can be found here (Use Reason 2.2d).